Helena AgSpace

The Youths


Do we fit?

Helena Agspace is an agrisocialpreneur group whose main goal is to make a meaningful impact on people’s lives through agriculture and the point of focus being the youth.

Why the youth?

The youth account for over a half of Africa’s population and unemployment is a huge headache for almost all governments. I feel that if I could at least engage them in agriculture then we will have not only tackled the unemployment bit but also dealt with the issue of food security which also happens to be a global threat.

With that in mind, it is actively mentoring a youth group…. Fair Price youth group which is a 17-member group, 11 females, 6 males involved in white sorghum farming in Homabay and parts of Nyakach in Kisumu county. They have been able to learn about modern farming techniques, acquire some simple farming equipment like threshers which they use to thresh and winnow their sorghum before final delivery to the factory. They not only thresh for themselves but also offer that service to other farmers at a cost.

They have not only been able to earn a living for themselves but also encourage other youths to join in and farm as it can be paying when well-coordinated. They are not only commercial farmers but also doing white sorghum aggregation as they have managed to recruit other like-minded individuals.

Whenever an opportunity and the needed resources align themselves properly, Helena Agspace will be looking forward to make the most out of it by mentoring other youth groups.